Back in September, the latest movie from Gareth Edwards (Rogue One, Godzilla) hit theaters, and it kinda ate shit at the box office.

The terribly titled The Creator is actually a good watch! Starring John David Washington (Tenet), the movie isn’t really anything you haven’t seen before, storywise — boy hates robots, boy meets child robot, boy will do anything to protect robots — but its one of the most visually arresting sci-fi movies in ages. In an era of movies with bloated $200 million budgets, this was made for $80 million and looks way better.

Yes, the script is very much part Lone Wolf & Cub, part Akira, and part Terminator, but I think if you give The Creator a shot, you’ll end up enjoying it.

The Creator is available for VOD purchase today. Here’s some links to where you can get it:

Enjoy! And bug me on social media if you watch it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.