
Wes Anderson is inviting fellow cinephiles and fans to swap ideas in a new digital film club, with stars like Ethan Hawke and Maggie Gyllenhaal guest-curating.

Anderson’s longtime producing partners at Indian Paintbrush are launching Galerie, an exclusive curated club featuring original videos, considered writing, live screenings, and discussions with leading filmmakers.

Production company Indian Paintbrush was founded in 2006 by Steven Rales, and the company has produced and financed all of Anderson’s films since 2007. Per the official description, Galerie has a mission to “celebrate film conversation and literacy by offering access to film collections curated by industry creators, thoughtful essays, and exclusive live events with today’s most esteemed cinema professionals and cultural minds.”

$10 a month gets you in, apps for pretty much every device are on the way, and you can get a one month free trial. Check out Galerie here.