
I swear, I am not linking to this ironically.

As you may or may not know, first time American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson has a talk show, basically supplanting Ellen DeGeneres in the public eye. As a part of her show, she covers a song every single day.

Sometimes, the choices have raised an eyebrow, like with her cover of “Fake Plastic Trees” by Radiohead.

Now though? Ms. Clarkson surprised the hell out of me by covering mid 00’s indie rock favs Bloc Party, with a cover of “Like Eating Glass”, as embedded above. You really can’t match the vocals of Kele Okereke, and she doesn’t attempt to, but there’s something subversive — which also underlines that yes, I am old — that freaking BLOC PARTY is being covered on a daily talk show.

Now, any chance that Kelly could return the favor to Ted Leo and do a cover of one of his songs?