Last night was The Game Awards, Geoff Keighly’s three hour commercial for games you won’t see for yearsannual celebration of gaming and its creators.

There are better, more comprehensive recaps of the show, but I wanted to write about the one reveal that has been bouncing around in my head since.1

Sega dropped a reveal last night for not one, not two, but five relaunches of their classic franchises.


Shown in glimpses across the video are…

  • A new-gen installment of Dreamcast cult classic Jet Set Radio
  • What looks to be an action RPG take on Golden Axe
  • A gorgeous looking 2D Shinobi
  • A 3D Streets of Rage
  • The return of arcade and Dreamcast favorite Crazy Taxi

Honestly, for two seconds, I wondered if this was Sega going ham and announcing a Dreamcast 2.

We don’t know the release dates, systems, if they’re going to be micro-transaction filled messes, etc. but for just one moment last night, I felt like a pure fan, filled with hype and excitement. As a Sega kid from the jump (I even owned a SATURN!), this was catnip to me.

Sega? Don’t mess this up.

  1. Though the announcement of Kemuri was pretty cool looking.